Securely store login ID, passwords and other valuable information, auto-fill Web form..
Drag Drop Form (DDF) Password Manager is an easy-to-use password manage and form auto fill tool that will encrypt your login URL, username, password and other valuable information such as the credit-card number, e-mail, phone number, and the words and sentences you use frequently. DDF display a docking window into which you will be able to easily drag and drop your username, password, and other info to the Web form.
DDF Password Manager can also store multiple groups of text--you can drag and drop them to all other OLE-supported, drop-mode programs, so it can be used as a select-input tool. All the data are saved in one-or-more data files, which are encrypted with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). You can edit the data on the server program, and save the data file to a network share folder, then allow multiple clients to access the same data file at the same time. DDF Password Manager include multi-user edition and portable personal edition.